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Maxwell "Max" Evans,  Elizabeth "Liz" Parker, Isabel Evans, Jesse Ramriz, Micheal Guerin and Maria DeLuca are the Royal Six and they came from the Planet Antar which is now being ruled by their enemies Tess and  Kivar.  They are going to be founding a way to get back their planet and they will need to found a way that  they could be to get the control of their homeplanet, Antar. Max, Liz, Isabel, Jesse, Michael, and Maria woud ended up get close to each other and they were aware of their past and they all knew each other in their pervious life. They would came together so they could be able to found  about where they came from because they need to found where they are from.  Max and Liz ruled Antar together, Max was the King and Liz was the Queen, they had been happiliy married together and thye were about to start to a family when tradgey came to their planet. They had been marreid for four years and they were the love of each other lives and plus at first when they were dating their parents on their home planet don;t get along with each ther. When Liz and Max were about to found out that they were going to have their first child, Tess ended up killing Liz and their unborn child and then Tess ended up replace Liz as the Queen.  Max gotten married to Tess one year after Liz was murdered but then Max only stayed  married to Tess for only six month unitl finally Max had divorced  Tess and he just never understood why he agreed to somone like Tess. Four Months after Liz and Max got married, Micheal and Maria got married and they had only been married to each other for six years. Two years after Liz had been killed, Kivar ended up killing Michael because he figure that if he take down the second in command then is going to be easier to get to bring down Max espically if Max only lasted the love of his life just two years before.  Six months after Liz and  Max got married, two months after Michael and  Maria got married ,  Jesse and Isabel got marriedn and they happend to be only married only six year also. Two Years and four months after Liz wasa murdered, Four months after Micheal had had been murdered,  Tess had ended up Killing Isabel and she knew that since that she had elimanted  Max's true love and Max's sister that it was going to be easier for Kivar to take over the Planet. Then Six months later, Kivar ended up Killing both Max and Jesse and Tess elimanted the last remaining female of the Royal Six and that was been Maria and that exact same day Kivar and Tess take control of Antar.  Max, Liz., Michael, Maria, Jesse, and  Isabal all been become Alien and Human Hybers and they came out of Pods that put in a dessert area  that is located in Roswell,  New Mexico and there is another set of pods in a different area but they are aware of them yet. Two Week walking around the Dessert, Liz had been found by a social worker and she ended up be adopting a very loving couple and their names happens to be Jeff and Nancy Parker and they are not aware that Liz happens to be an allien. Four Week after walking about the desert. Max and Isabel had been found by a social worker and  then they ahd been adopted another loving couple and they were Phillip and Diana Evans. The Six Weeks walking around the desert,  Maria and Jesse had been found by a social worker and they both had been adopted by single women that ended up be loving towards and their single womens names were Amy DeLuca and Ms. Ramriz. Eight weeks of walking around the desert, Michael had been found by a social worker but he was was not as lucky as the others becaue he was put a foster house with a brunk person and he ends up being abused by the guy. Max, Liz, Michael,  Maria, Isabel and Jesse ended up getiting along with them and they never told the familes that they are living wiht about their past and they happened only told their Friends, Kyle Valenti, Kyle's dad, Jim Valenti, and Alex Whitman about  them are from different place. They are so glad that they were  about to found people that they can be able to trust and they never thought they could have foulnd people that they coauld have trusted as musch as they trusted those three people. Max and Liz ended up fallling in love with each other and they ended up becoming boyfriend and girlfriend for each other and they really were not aware of their past lives together. They don't were aware that in their past lives that they were the King and Queen of Antar and they were happily married to each other and plus they were going to have their family when Liz had been killed.  Micheel and Maria ended up falling in love with each other and they became boyfriend and girlfriend and they are were aware of their past lives together. They don't know that htey are married to each ohter they are were planning on having a family  when Michael ahd been killed and plus they don't know that Michael was Max's second in command. Jesse and Isabel had ended up falling in love with each other and they are not aware of their past live together. They don't know that they had been married, that they are hopoing to have family together when Isabel ahd been killed by Tess and plus that Jesse was Max'sthird in Command. Max, Liz, Michael, Maria, Jesse, and Isabel ended up starting to looking about thier pervious and each other of them would have flashes about their past lives but they never know when they were going to have flashes about their past lives. They know that there is a reason why they would have flashes abou ther past lives and they know that they were probably need to be returned to their home planet and take back the Contorl of the Planet and put Max and Liz back as the King and the Queen of Antar.