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Mitchie Torres had lossed her parents  and her little sister, Tina Torres, and her twin brother, Tommy only two weeks ago and right after her parents had been killed in a car accident, she had moved in with Grays and she actually only meet Sarah and James Gray before but she never meet their three sons, Jason, Shane, and Nate. She knows that that Sarah and James happened to be her godparents and she found out when she was in the hopsital that her parents give guardhship the Grays if anything would happen to her. Mitchie is glad that she knew but she isn't expecting that she is will be living in the same house of the members of Connect Three and she was not aware that her godparents had three sons. She happens tobea very big fan of Connect Three and she never expected that she is going to get a chance to meet them and she happens not to be one of the crazy fans who would do anything to meet Connect Three or try to get more information about them, and plus Shane is Mitchie's favorite band member but she is aware that Shane is a jerk. Shane Gray is the secondest oldest of the Gray Brothers and also happens to be the leader singer of Connect Three and he used to write all of the Connect Three Songs until their recording label told him to quiet and he was not aware that Mitchie Torres, the daughter of his parent will moving in with them. He really don't care that he doesn't write songs anymore because he writes different kinds of songs then the songs that his and his brothers, Nate, and Jason's recording company wants them to sing, and plus he is going to think that Mitchie that would be on of the crazy fans. Shane is a jerk and he is not being very nice to Mitchie at first and he is going to do anyting to get Mitichie to leave his parents house because he thinks that Mitchie should not be at his family's house. He is not careing at first that he is hurting Mitchie Torres and he will not to admit that real reason for him being a jerk to people, he used to be really nice and then he had been the bad boy of the media. Mitchie and Shane are not going to like at each other and they are going to getting into alot of agruments, Shane doesn't get along with anyone in his family, and plus Mitchie will get along with rest of Shane's family espcially his parents because she would see them as parent figures. They will be able to stand being around each and plus Mitchie will go off on Shane, and she will tell Shane what she thinks about him and she would ended up calling him a jerk, and Shane willl start to change. Mitchie and Shane would winded up becoming very good friends and but at first she is only going to be friends with Nate and Jason, her and Shane wants nothing to do with each other. They will start to develop feelings for each other, they think at first that it would not be a good idea for them to date because of hte fact that Shane's parents are her guardians about soon once Shane's parents tell them it would be fine if they date then they see that it is okay for them date because they are not bloodrelated, and also at first both of them will dating someone competely different. Mitchie woud be dateing a guy named Kenny Smith and she thinks taht Kenny to be the perfect guy for her and she would seem to think that was not that Kenny had never visited her while she was in the hospital. She thinks that she will merry Kenny someday, she would soon found out that Kenny had been cheating on her best friend, Tess Tyler, she will so beeply hurt by both Kenny and Tess, and it will be Kenny to break up with her. Shane happen to be bating Tess Tyler, the daughter of T.J. Tyler, and he seems think that Tess is just the perfect Gril for him, he thinks that Tess would the girl that he would get married to someday. He would winded up getting a broken heart, he will found out that Tess had cheated on him with his best friend, Kenny and it is going to be Tess that will break up with him. Mitchie will loosed friends because Sierra stop being her friend when Mitchie in the hopistal, Sierra never had visited her while she was in the hospital and she would found out that Sierra started to have hang out with the popular people at school, it will hurt deeply by Sierra. She would also woud no longer being friends with Tess after she founds out about Tess and Kenny, and it would be Tess to end the friendship and Tess also happne to be choosing the popular crowd over Mitchie and the only friends that Mitchie would after the whole thing would be Caitlyn Gellar, Lola Scott, Ella, and Marageret "Peggy' Dupree. Mitchie would winded up missing her parents, her sister, Tina and she really misses her twin brother, the most. She know that she had gotten well with all of her familly members but she do have aunts and uncles, and Grandparents but they want nothing to do with her and plus she was best friends with her twin brother. Shane will started to write the sort of songs that he wants to sing and the sort of the songs that him, and his brothers should perform and plus he starts to think about his twin sister, Shelley Gray who had died from Cancer when he and her when only thirteen years old. He was best friends with twin sister and he misses his twin sister so much, he wished that his twin sister would still be a alive and he knows that his twin would not be happy to see him being a jerk to people. Shane started to change after his twin had died and he was being meaner and he don't be a completely jerk until afer Him, and his brothers had become famous, and started to make whole amount of money. He really getting fed up with the way that his, and his brothers' recording company had been treating them and how they refusing to let him and his brothers to perform that kind of songs that they would want to perform for their fans.