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  Max is the prince and soon to be King of Antar because his father is about to hand him the Kingbom but first he needs to found a wife before he even can become the King of Antar. He kows that his parents are going to be chosing who is going to Marry, also his siblings are to merry and  their parents are going to by what they seem to think that the Oracles had said should happen, but they have don't have a clue that how his parents are intrepreting the Oracles  is wrong. Max really wants to get the a girls that he happens to be get along with his best friend , Liz and he knows that he is falling for her and plus he really wished that Liz could be the girl that he is going to merry someday but he have a feelilng that is not going to happen. He loves to tease his best friends, Liz about everything but he never stay mad at Liz for along if they agrues with each and he knows Liz and her silbings for a very longtime and they had known each since they were born. Max happens to be best friends for Liz's twin brother, Michael, her Youngest brother, Kevin, and her Youngest Sister, Shiri and he also known them since he had been born. He really seem to spending time and hanging out with Liz, her siblings, and also her two best friends, Maria and Alex.  Max gets tell that he is going to be merry Ava a girl that he cannot stand and who happens to be from a rich family and someone that wants to be ruling a planet with somone like Max. He really wished that his marriage is not going to be Arranged but it is and he really does want to merry somone that happens to be to someone that  he is in love with.  Max happens to be the twin brother of Isabel, he has an younger brother named Zackery who is just a year younger then him and  and he also has younger sister named Bella who is the same age as Zackery. He happens to be the son of the current King and Queen and Antar and their names happens to be Stefan and Emilie. Stefan and Emilie had arranged marriages to all four of their children and they want their children to choose who their children would get married to married. They know that some of their Children's marriage are going to be politicaly moves like their son, Max's marriage. Stefan and Emilie has arranges a marriage bewteen their oldest Son, Max with the Ava who happens to be from a different planet from them  and the wedding will be taking place in two years.. They had also has arrangerd a marriage bewteen their oldest daughter, Isabel to Michael, the son of their Advisors, Thania and Gordon and that will take place in two years, one week after Max and Ava's wedding. Stefan and Emilie had arranged a marriage bewteen their youngest son, Zackery and Jennifer who happens to be a lady and that wedding is going to be taking place in three years. They also a rraged a marriage bewtteen their youngest daughter, Bella and Lord Robert and it si going to be take place also in three years and one week after Zackery and Jennifer. Unkown to them, Zackery has actually meant Lady Jennifer and happens to be in love with and also Bella had already has meet Lord Robert and she happens to be in love with them. Both of them are going to be excited abou their arraged but Max and Isabel are not exctied about their arranged marriages because Max doesn't love Ava and he is most likely be in love with his best friend, Liz and Isabel is not in love with Michael and happens to be in love in her best friend, Alex.  Liz happens to be a lady in waitng for best friend, Isabel and she knows thier her prarents are going to be arranging her marriage s and also her three siblings marriages aslo. She really wished that she could be get married to somoene that she is in love iwht and someone that she gets along with and her parents are advisors and best friends of the Queen and King of Antar and her family is rich but as rich as the Royal Family. Liz loves hanging out with her best friend, Max and she also happens to be tease him about things but she never like the agruments that she and Max would get into and they not talking to each other. She knows that she is in love with Max and she thinks that it would be cool if she could be the one that Max get married to and became Queen  but she knows that will never happen. Liz founds out that her parents arranged her marriage to David, she cannot stand him and she knows that he happens to be a very huge jerk and she knows that she knows that he is a lord but she knows that people cannot stand. She really wants Nothing to do with David and she cannot see herself getting to married to somone like David and she knows that her marriage to David is  going to be very bad thing and something horrible would result in her marriage to David.  Liz is the oldest Daughter of the King and Queen's trustworthy Adivsor and best friends Thania and Gordon she knows that her parents will love her. She happens to be the twin sister of Micheal, she has a younger sister named Shriri is a year younger then her and Michael, and also has a younger brother named Kevin whos is the same age as Shiri, get also very well with her friend and best friends with them. Liz had happens to be best friends with Maria, Alex, Max, Max' twin sister, Isabel, Max's younger  bother, Zackery, and Max's younger Sister, Bella and she loves hanging out with them. She is glad to have some friends but doesn;t have alto of friends and she is grateful with who she happens to be friends with. Thania and Gordon havee beeen arranged marriages for all their children because the really feel that  their childrend should not choose their own marriage parterns. They really feel that their children will eventually will fell in love with the people that htey would choose for their children to marry.Thania and Gordon has arranged a marriage bewteen their oldest son, Michael and their Daughter in Two years later, and one week after Max's wedding. They had arrangerd a Marriage bewteen their older daugher, Liz and Lord David and this wedding is going to happen in one Year. Thania and Gordon has arranged a marriage for their youngest Kevin and Lady Nora and the wedding will take place in three years. They also arranged a marriage bewteen their youngest daughter, Shiri and Lord James and this wedding in three years and it will happen one week after Kevin and Nora's wedding. Unknown to Thania and Gordon, Kevin already has meet Nora and is in love with Nora and happens to be excited about his marriage to Nora, and also that Shiris has already has meet Lord James and she is in love with him and she is excited about her marriage to James. They are not aware that the oldest Children are not excited about their marriages  to the people that htey had selected for them to marriage, they are aware that Michael doesn't want to merry Isabel and he only sees Isabel as a sister ane he is in love with someone else and that Liz doesn't want to merry David because she thinks he is a jerk and plus she is in love with someone else. Micheal really happens to be in love with Maria and he really wants to merry Maria and not Isabel and  he wished that his parentscan see that he wants to merry Maria and not Isabel. He happens to not treat Maria as sister but he treats Maria someday that he could see himself getting married and he happens to treats and sees Isabel as sister, he is second in command of Max and best friend of Max and twin brother of Liz. Isabel happens to the twin sister of Max, The oldest Princess of Antar and she happens to be in love with Alex and wants to merry Alex someday and she does not to marry Michael because she not in love with Michael and only sees Michael as a brother. She really wished that her parents were aware that she doesn't want to Merry Micheal and she wants to merry someneoneelse. she wished coudn tell that she is in lov with Alex, and that she treats Alex as somone that she can see herslef getting to married and she happens to be best friends with Liz, and that she happens to treat Michael more as a brother and not someone that she will someday will fall in love with. Maria is the best friend of Liz, Isabel, Micheal, Max, and all of the siblings of Liz and Michael, also all of the siblings of Isabel and Max, and also Alex and  she happens to be in love wiht Max, and wants to merry him. She can see hersfelf getting married to Micheal burt she really cannot seen Michael and Isebel getting married to each other becauese she knows that Michael and Isabel treat each other as siblings and Michael treat like somone that he can see himself marrying somday. Alex hapen to best firends of Liz, Isabel, Maria, Michael, and Max, also the siblings of Micheal and Liz, and also the siblings of Isabel and Max, and he happens to be in love with his best friend, Isabel,and want to merry Isabel. He can see Isabel marrying him someday but he cannot see Isabel getting married to Michael because he seen Michael and Isabel as siblings and she treats him as someone that she could get married to someday. Maria, Michael, Isabel, Alex, Shiri, Kevin, Zackery, and  Bella are aware that Max and Liz happens to be in love with each other and they  seen Max and Liz flriting with each other and it happens to be throught all of the teasing Max and Liz do to each other. They are going to everything that they could get Max and LIz to admit their feelings to each other and they knows that Max and Liz are really meant to be and they should be they would be two people that should be ruling Antar together. Thania and Gordon sees the firtling bewteen Liz and Max, they also come up with some sort of plan to get Max and Liz that they see that those are destined to be together and they also figures that the Oracles were not taking about Pricness Ava and Prince Zan but about Prince Zan and Liz.. They are going to get a visit for the Oracles and that Oracles are gong to tell them they will need to approach the King and the Queen about the issue of the intrepreting of the what hte Oracles had told them when Max had been Born. Max and Liz would will start off think that that Max is most to get married to Pirncess Ava and that Liz ahs to get married to Lord David even how much eihter of them wants to marry Princess Ava and Lord David. They  will finally gets a visit for them the oracles and they Oracles are going to straighten them up about it really that Prince Max and Liz, Lady in Waiting are destined to be. At First, King Stefan and Queen Emilie will go tihnk go through with marriage bewteen Princess Ava and Prince Max for politic reasons and they seem to refuse to think that the orcles would be taking about Max and Liz. They would aviod the firtlling bewtenn Liz and Max and they would ended up getting a  visiti for the Oracles after he Orcles would visit Thania and Gordon and they seem to realized they misintrepted what The Oracles were talking about. Liz and Max think that something seems off about the two people that they supose to merry because they doens't be able to trust them. They found out the real reasons for why Ava wants to marry Zan and it happens to b for Political reasons, she wants to rule all five planet in the galaxy that Antar is located in and it not for love, and that Lord David wants to Liz because he wants to take over Antar and became King of the Planet and thinks that Liz would help him with that but he will not want to merry her for love. Ava and David both are going ended up getting pissed abut Liz and Max's marriage and they wouold want ot over throw Liz and Max but their accpetswill fail and they also get helpe form Kivar. Liz and Max also stops Kivar for overtaking the planet also because they seem to know with them ruling Antar that no one is gong to be be to take over the planet of Antar and Antar will conintued to in the control of Max's family.