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Max  is going be the king but first he must get married before he can be crowned King of the planet and he has a feeling that his parents has arranged marriages for him and his siblings. He loves spending time with his best friend, Liz and he knows that Liz is Isabel's Lady in waiting and Isabel's best friend, he loves to tease Liz but not in a mean way and he happens to be in love with his best firend, Liz. Max knows that his parents has arranged a marriage for him to a princess that he cannot stand, loves his parents and plus he does want to became the King of Antar. He really wants to marry someone that he is able to stand, someone that he happens to get along with and someone that he happnes to be in love with. Max is hopingg that his parents aregoing to make him to get married to someone like Princess Ava because he cannot stand Princesss Ava. He wants to merry someon like Liz because he wants to have a wife that he happens to be n love with a and a wife that he will be able to tease. Max ended up being called to the Throne room along wiht his siblings, Isabel, Bella, and Zackery and he knows that his parents want to tell him and his siblings something. He ended  up in the throne room and he happened to be the last one to arrive in the Throne room brcause his parents were already in the throne rooom, nad his siblings had arrive in the throne room before he . Max, Isabel, Bella, Zackery, Stefan, and Emilie alll ended up found a place to sit in the throne and were having a conversation that Max and Isabel were not enjoyingthe conversation at all. They were having a converations htat was important to their futures and this converstation happens one of the most important conversations that will have that wil have something to do their future and Bella and Zackery were enjoying the conversation. Stefan said, "Me and your mom have called you guys here because we have somthing that we need to tell you guys."

Emilie said, "We have news for each of you andd what we are going to tell you guys has something to do with your guys future."

Max said, "I am willing to listen to what you have to have but I know that I am not going to like what you are  going to tell us."

Isabel said, "I am waiting to hear what you guys have to tell us but I also kow that I am not going to like what you guys are going to  tell us."

Bella said, "I am hoping that you guys are going to tell us exciting news beause right now i want to hear exciting news."

Zackery said, "Please tell us what you guys needs to tell us. I am also hoping that you guys are going to be share exciting news with us."

Stefan said, "Well, Max since you are going to be in king in a couple of years, You are going to merry Princess Ava and your wedding is going to be in a couple of years."

Emilie said, "The Orcles had told us that you are going to merry a princess that would be from a different planet then Antar."

Max said, "There is no way that I am going to get married to Somone like Princess Ava because i cannot stand her, gets on my nerves and I cannot merry her."

Isabel said, " I cannot see Max getting to married to Princess Ave and her and Max's Marriage will not last work or work out."

Bella said, "I really cannot be able to see somone like Princess Avas as the Queen of Antar because she would be thinking of her self and she never thinks of someone else."

Zackery said, "That Marriage will be able to last long because there a chance that Princess Ava will probably neded up cheating on Max with some other guy."

Stefan said, "Max, You are going to merry Princess Ava that is finally, Isabel, you are going to get married to Max's Second in commond, best friend, Gordon, and Thania's son, Michael and your wedding will be in two years and it will one week after Max's wedding."

Emilie said, "The decision happen to be make bewteen me, Your dad, Thania, and Gordon and we think that You and Michael are the perfect match for each other.'

Max said, "I really cannot see Michael and Isabel getting married to get each other becaue of the fact that Michael and Isabel don't treat like someone that the see themselves merrying one day and they treat each other like siblings."

Isabel said, "I am not going to get married to Michael because I treat Michael like a brother and Micheal treats me like a sister."

Bella said, "I cannot see Michael and Maria falling for each other because they don't treat like somone that they can see themselves get married to someday and they treat each other like siblings."

Zackery said, "Isabel and Michael are only friends with each other, they are never going to fall in love with each other and they treat only treat each other as siblings."

Stefan said, "I am not going to change my mind, Isabel and Michael are going to get married and Zackery you are going to get marreid to Lady Jennifer and your wedding is going be in three years."

Emilie said, "We feel that her is the perfect match for you and we feel that you and her going to hit off with each other."

Max saracastically said, "Those Two will amke the perfect couple and I am sure that they are going to fall in love with each other just me and Princess Ava will fall in love."

Isabel saracastically said, "Zackery and Lady Jennifer are going to fall in love with each other just me and Micahel are going to fall in love with each other."

Bella said, "I think that Zackery and Lady Jennifer are going to make each other happy and they are going to fall in love with each other."

Zackery said, "I am excited that about getting married to Lady Jennifer even through I have to wait three years to get married to Lady Jennifer."

 Stefan said, "I am glad to hear that and Bella is going to get married last and you are going to get married to Lord Robert and your wedding is going to be in three years and it will one week after Zackery."

Emilie said, "We feel that Lord Robert is the perfect match for you and we are sure that you and Lord Robert are going to fall in love with each other and he will take care of you."

Max saracastically said, "Well Princess Bella and Lord Robert are going make each other happy just like me and Princess Ava will make each other happy."

Isabel saracastically said, "Princess Bellla and Lord Robert are perfect for each other just me and Princess Ava are perfect for each other."

Bella said, "I am excited about getting married to Lord Robert and I think that he is the perfect husband for me."

Zackery said, "I think that Bella and Lord Robert are so going work out and they are going to make each other happy, and they are going to fall in love with each other." Stefan and Emilie needed to tell their children about who they are going to merry and they lefted the throne room because they had things that they really need to do for the rest of the day and they were shocked with reactions they got from their children. The wished that wished that Max can see that Princess Ava is the perfect match for him and they also wished that Isabel can see that Michael is the perfect match for her. Isabel, Bella, and Zackery had lefted the throne room and they had things that they needd to do for the rest of the day. They reacted different the news about who they are going to get married to, Isabel doesn't want to get married to Michael and Bella and Zackery are excited about getting married to Lord Robert and Lady Jennifer. Max was the last person to leave the throne room nad he had things that he had ended to do for the rest of the day and he lefted the palace because he need to look for Liz because he had someting that he needed to tell Liz. He was not exctied about getting marreid to princess Ava and he really don't think that could make a great queen for their Planet, Antar.   

       Liz knows that her family is going to arrnage  marriages  for her, her twin borther, Michael, her younger brother, Kevin, and also for her young sister, Shiri. She wants to choose who she wants to merry but she knows that her parents are going to choose who she is going to choose who she is going to get married to and they will not let her to choose who is going to choose who she wants to get married to. Liz loves to hanging out with her best friend, Max and she happens to be in love with each other and she happens to love to tease him but not in a mean way. She also happens to be best friends of Isabel, and also happens to be Isabel's Lady in waiting and she also happens to be best friends with Maria and Alex. Liz does get why her parents would not allow her to get married to who she wants to get married and she kows that her parents going to choose somone that she cannot stand. She knows that if she was going to be choosing who she is going to get married because she knows that she is going to choose someone that she wants to get married to. Liz is hoping that she is going to get married someone like Max and she is not going to  get married to someone like Lord David. She doesn't want to get married to someone that happens to  be jerk and someone that she cannot stand, and she want to merry someone that she is in love with and she wants to have a husband that she can be able to tease. Liz meets with her family in her parent's bedroom that happnes to be in the palace and she knows that she is not going to like the conversations that her family is going to have. She ends up being the las person that will arrive in her parent's bedroom because her parents were already in their dedroom and plus her siblings had arrived in their parents bedroom before she did. Liz, Michael, Kevin, Shiri, Thania, and Gordon found a places to sit in Thania and Gordon's bedroom and they had a conversation that Liz and Michael were not enjoying. They were having a conversation that is important to Liz, Michael, Kevin, and Shiri's futures and Kevin and Shiri were enjoying the conversation that they were having. Gordon said, "There is something that you and your mom needs to tell you and it happens to be sometinng that happens to be very important."

Thania said, "Me and Your dad are going to tell you  guys has something to do with your futures and we need to tell you guys what we are about to tell you guys."

Michael said, "Please tell us what you guys need to tell us and I am not going to like what you guys are going to tell us."

Liz said, "I am wiliing to listen to what you guys have to say but I know for a fact that I am not going to like what you guys are going to tell us."

Kevin said, "I want  to hear what you guys have to say and I hoping that you guys are going to give us exciting news because I want to hear exciting news."

Shiri said, "I am waiting to hear what you guys have to say and I hoping that you are  going to give us some excitiing news because I want to hear exciting news."

Gordon said, "Well, Michael, since you are the oldest one you are going to get married first and you are going to get married Princess Isabel and the wedding is going to be take place in two years."

Thania said, "The decision had been made bewteen Me, your dad, the King, and the Queen and all four of us feel that you and Isabel are the perfect match for each other."

Michael said, "There is no way that I am going to Merry Isabel and me and Isabel don't treat like someone that we can see ourselves merrying someday, she treats me like a bother, and I treat her like a sister."

Liz said, "I cannot see Michael and Isabel getting married to each other and they really don't treat each other like someone that they can see themselve getting married to someday and they treat each other like siblings."

Kevin said, "There is just no way that Michael and Isabel are going to get married, they are friends with each other, will never fall in love with each other and they treat each other like siblings."

Shiri said, "Michael and Isabel are never going to get married, they will never treat each other like somone that they can see each other getting married to someday, they could never be able to fall in love with each other and they have always has treated each other like siblings."

Gordon said, "The decision has been made and Michael you are going to married to Princess Isabel, and Liz you are going to get married to Lord David and your wedding is going to get married to take place in two years and it will one week after Michael."

Thania said, "We think that you and Lord David are going to make a perfect couple, you and Lord are going ot fall in love with each other, you and Lord David are going to make each other so happy, and Lord David is going to be a perfect husband for you."

Michael said, "Liz is never going to get married to Lord David because she is never going to get married to somone that happens to be in a Jerk."

Liz said, "There is no way that I am going to get married to Lord David and I am never going to fall in love with a guy that I cannot stand."

Kevin said, "Liz deserves someone that is better then Lord David and she and Lord David are never going to be a perfect and he will never been a perfect husband for Liz."

Shiri said, "I know that Liz could never merry Lord David because Liz will never want to have a jerk as a husband and she and Lord are never going to be happy together."

Gordon said, "I am not going to change my mind and Liz will marry Lord David, Kevin you are going to get married to Lady Nora and your wedding is going to be in Three Years."

Thania said, "You feel you and Lady Nora are going to make each other happy and we feel that you and Lady Nora are going to be the pefect match for each, you guys are going to fall in love with each other."

Michael saracastically said, "Kevin and Lady Nora are going to make each other happy just me and Princess Isabel are going to make each other."

Liz saracastically said, "Kevin and Lady Nora are going to fall in love with each other just like me and Lord David are going to fall in love with each other."

Kevin said, "I am exciting about getting married to get married to Lady Nora, and I know that Me and Lady Nora are going to make each happy."

Shiri said, "I think that Kevin and Lady Nora are going to be a perfect for each other and they are going to fall in love with each other."

Gordon said, "I am gald to hear that, Kevin, and Shiri are going to get married last and you are going to get married Lord James, and your wedding will be in three years and One week after Kevin's wedding.'

Thania said, "We feel that Lord James and You are going to make each other so happy and we feel that you and Lord James are going to fall in love with each other."

Michael saracastically said, "Shiri and Lord James are going to fall in love with each other just like me and Princess Isabel are going to fall in love with each other."

Liz saracastically said, "Shiri and Lord James are going make each other happy just like me and Lord David aer going to make each other happy."

Kevin said, "I think that Shiri and Lord James are going to make a perfect match for each other and they are going to make each other happy."

Shiri said, "I am so excited about getting married to Lord James and I really do think that me and Lord are going to fall in love with each other, and me nad him will make each other happy. Gordon and Thania ended up leaving their room because they had things to do for the rest of the day and they were shocked about the different reactions that they got from their Children, Michael, Liz, Kevin, and Shiri when they told their children who Michael was going to merry, who Liz was going to merry, who Kevin was going to merry and who Shiri is going to merry. They wished that Michael and Liz could be excited about getting to Princess Isabel and Lord David and they are glad that Kevin and Shiri are excited about getting married to Lady Nora and Lord James. Michael, Kevin, and Shiri lefted their parents room because they had things that they needed to do for the rest of the day and plus they don't to be staying in the palace all day and they wanted to leave the palace and each had people that they needed to see. They each had different reaction to who they are going to merry, Michael was not excited about getting married to Princess Isabel and don't want  to merry her because he was in love with Liz's best friend, Maria, and he is not in love with Princess Isabel, and Kevin and Shiri are excited about getting to married to Lady Nora and Lord James because they are in love with Lady Nora and Lord James. Liz was the last person to leave her Parents room, she also had lefted the palace because she need to look for her best Friend, Max because she had somehting very important to tell Max, she never really like hiding anything from him. She was same reaction as her brohter, Michael about who is going to merry but for a diffferent reason, she was not exciting about getting married to Lord David because he happens to be a jerk and she also is not in love with Lord David, she is never going to be in love with him, and she happens to be in love with the Crown Prince Max.