After Buffy gotten into an argument with her mom, got kicked out of school, and killed her True Love, Angel ot save the world, she moved out of her mom's house and ended up moving into the mansion that she killed Angel. She cannot tell her friends about her killing her Angel and during the summer she would just try to hard to aviod her friends so she cannot answer the questions that her friends would ask her questions about the day that she had killed Angel. Buffy has very hard time and she just thinking that maybe if she could stop Angelus from awaking a demon that could has ended the world and sending people to his hell diminsion. She knows that she did make the right choice but it was one of the hardest choice that she had made and she sometimes wished that she never made that choice and she really wished that she could done something to stop the demon without killing Angel but she knows that she had to kill Angel. Buffy wished that she could have somehow to just bring back her true Love because she will keep on continueing to missing Angel and she tries not to miss him but she could never stop thinking about Angel and how she could be able to save Angel. She is scared of how her friends would react if they knew the what really happened when she had killed Angel and when she asked by her friends and Giles about the day she just tell them that she had killed Angel when he was Angelus and the cure never worked. Buffy finally does tell Williow, Xander, and Giles the truth about what happened before Buffy had killed Angel. She had admited to them that Angel had been cured but Buffy does have dreams about Angel an d she having a very hard time with dealing with the death of her True Love and she does not think that her friends don't want it look to loose somone that they love but she does. Buffy never goes to L.A. and one day she finally wants to say her final goodbye to Angel but she knows that she is never going to see him again and she places her Caddlgh Ring on the place that she had killed Angel. As she is about to leave the mansion for She notices that something happens and she notices that Angel came back from Hell and she wants to wander how it is possible that Angel had came back. Angel is not sure how he came back and he notices that Buffy is there and he has no clue that Buffy that give up slaying after she had killed him .He wants to found why he came back and he hoping that the First was not not responsible for his return and he ended up saying Buffy after staring at Buffy for like ten minutes and he does never leave the mansion but he is like an animal that Buffy had him chained up so that he will leave the Mansion. Angel would not attack Buffy because he knows that if he would atttack Buffy then he would kiill Buffy and he could not live with himself if he would kill Buffy and he would have a very hard time dealing with it and he does forever for killing him. He knows that Buffy had killed him because she had to save the world and when he notices that Buffy is not around, he does sees Buffy's Claddlgh Ring and he ends up picking it and he ends up being somewhere safe. Angel really don't enjoy in the hell diminsion that he had been and he was being tortrured in that hell diminsion and he was glad that he came back but he has no clue why he had became back. He knows that there is a reason to why he had came back and he doesn't know how he could be able to figute out the reason why he came back and he hoping that the reason he had came back would be a good reason and that it would not be be a bad reason. Angel is not sure he is going to found a reason to why he had retrurn, and he knows that he will not be asked Buffy because Buffy doesn't know the reason to why he returned or how. He figures that he could get Buffy to figure out why he had came back and also how he came back and he doesn't want to be return beacuse the First would try to get him to kill Buffy, his True Love. Buffy and Angel continues to spend time with each other and they became close and they also came to realize that they never stop loving each other despite what happened bewteen them and they know that they happen to be each other's true love, and also they are meant to be. They really start to have their relationship again and Buffy hides that Angel is alive and she knows that her friends, Williow, and Xander and Giles would be really upset if they knew that Angel had came back. Buffy and Angel ends up being catch kissing each in the mansion by Xander and she gets into an agrument with her friends and Giles about Angel. They really both seem to be relief that they were catch but they had wished that somone else ended up catching them instead of Xander because they know that Xander really doesn/t like Angel at all. Buffy and Angel does ask Giles if there is a way that Angel's soul could get bind so that Angel will not loose his soul again and they are hoping that Giles could be able to help because Buffy and Angel don't leave each other again. They knows that they need to found a way so that Angel ccould be able to have experiencing a moment of happiness without Angel loosing his soul and they want to be really happy together and they want to get rid of the risk of Angel lossing his soul when Angel is completely happy. Buffy and Angel are so happy when Giles does say that he could be able to help them and they waited for Giles to be about to found a way to bind Angels' soul but where he could still be a vampire. They really think that Giles could be able to found a way that Angel's soul still be bind and they really think that there have something coudl be able to bind Angel's Soul and they both know that if Angel does became completely human then he would not have the Strenght or superhealing powers so they need a way when Angel could be a vampire but has his soul bind.
This Fanfiction is about to be about the how I thinks that Buffy was dealing with killig Angel but I am not going going to make Buffy leaves Sunnydale and go to L.A. She will be actually will be going to the mansion that Angel had lived in Season two after he became Evil and whre he lived in during Season three after he cames back.