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       Mitchie ended up getting up the next day and she was so exctied about seeing her friend, Caitlyn, and plus she is going to meet Nate's Girlfriend, Dana, and she gets dress and she also ended getting into her wheelchair. She is goingto be seeing Caitlyn, and Dana in two hours and she figures that she could eat breakfeast but she seems to be hoping that she is not going to run into Shane because she had heard that Shane happens to be a very huge Jerk and she wants nothing to do with him. Mitchie cannot get herself to play her music and she does misss playng music and she feels that she cannot cannot play the music since her siblings, Tommy, and Tina, and her parents were killed in a car accident and she think that if she spend less time with her music then her family would still be alive. She really doesn;'t see the need to be playng her music when she seem think that since she spend to much with her music and she seems to think that the death of her siblings and her parents was her fault. Mitchie knows there are going to be people that are going to try to convience that the death of her family was not her fault when she feels that the deaths of her family was completely her fault. She wished that everyone could just realizes that the deaths of her family was her fault and they could just stop trrying to convience her that she could done nothing to stop the deaths of her family when she knows that she couald have done something to stop the deaths of her family.  Mitche does finally just wheels herself out of her bedroom and she was so lucky so far tha she had run into Shane and she does make it downstairs to have breaksfast. She was able to get a breakfeast and she is able to get into the dinning room without running but she have a feeling that everyone is going to change because she knows that she is mostly going to run into Shane even though how much she doesn't want to run into Shane. Mitchie makes to living and she starts to eat her breakfeast and while she is eating her breakfeast, Shane cames into the dinning room and he starts to be a huge jerk to Mitchie and he doesn't care. She starts to not stand it and she winded ups getting really piss off at Shane and she really wished that Shane could just leave her alone and she really wants nothing to do wiht Shane at all. Mitchie and Shane doesn;t hit it off and they get into a huge argument with each other and they know that they cannot be friends because their attitudes about things are different from each other. They both really pisses off and they piss off for two different, Mitchie is piss off because Shane happens to be one of the bigest Jerks that she knows and plus Shane is pisses off that his parents agreed to take in an orphan who is paraylzed. Shane said, "My Parents had no right to let you live here with us because you deserves to be in the an orphange and also they should let a paraylzed person living with us."

Mitchie said, "My parents had been the one to ask your parents to take me in, Shane and I don't deserve to be in orphange, and your parents are treating like I belong to a family and plus I may not be able to be walk at least your parents and your brothers are accepting me for me, Shane."

Shane said, "Well, My parent and my brothers are stupid to be accepting you becaue I know that I could never be friends with someone that is parayzled and who is an orphange and my family must be out of ther minds to be thinking you as a member of this family when  you will never be, Mitchie."

Mitchie said, "At least they dont' an attitude check like you and  I know that I could never be friends with somone that happens to need an attitude problem like you."

Shane said, "Actually the ones that should be more like me and I don't need to attitude check and you should be in an orphange and you should be not be living with my family."

Mitchie said, "You should be more accepting of people that are different from you and I have to live your family because I don't have a family and you need to change your attitude about things."

Shane said, "I am not going to be accept someone that is different from me, you should be not be living with anyone and there must be reason why your aunts, your uncles, and Your grandparents don't want you."

Mitchie said, "I need a family and your family willing to take me in while the rest of my family don't want me because they never got along with me and plus they only cared about themsleves."

Shane said, "Your aunts,  your uncles, and your grandparents probably got sick of you and my family should never took you in and you should just leave me alone, orphan."

Mitchie said, "You just think that becuase you are famous that you have a right to do what you want to do and you could say what you want to say and thinnk that you have a right to act like a Jerk but you don't."

Shane said, "Actually I can do or say whatever I want because I am, Famous, Orphan and yeah, I do have a right act like a jerk and you really should just stop acting like you care about my attitude."

Mitchie said, "I do care about your attitude because if is effacting your family and you really need to change your attitude and then probably you willl be able to get friends with people."

Shane said, "Well, for your information, I don't change my attitude and I do have firends and actually do have a girlfriend and that proves that nothing is wrong with my attitude."

Mitchie said, "Actually something is wrong with your attitude and you need to change your attitude and you are too blind to see that your attitude is an attitude."

Shane said, "Nothing is wrong with attitude because my friends and my girlfriend really founds nothing wrong with my attitude and I don't need to change my attitude."

Mitchie said, "If you want to have better friends and a better girlfriend, then you will need to change your attitude and you will have to have a better attitude."

Shane said, "The friends and the girlfriend that I have are prefectly fine and there is nothing wrong at all with my attitude and so I am not going to change my attitude."

Mitchie said, "I think that you really need to change your attitude and you are going to be nicer person if you have an attitude and plus I am sure that you will be a happier person if you have an attitude change. Shane  ended up walking out of the dinning room with his breakfeast because there is no way that he could be in the same room as somome that thinks that he needs an attitude Change. He really thinks that he just wants to be lefted alone and he really wants nothing to do with Mitchie because he really cannot stand her because she happens to be the sort of person that he cannot be around and he hopes that Mitchie will never again tells him that he needs to change his attitude about anything. Shane thinks that Mitchie is the most annoying person that he had meet and he thinks that his family should never agreed to take in her after her parents and her siblings had been killed in a car accident and that is obivios that her aunts, her uncles, and her grandparnts wants nothing to do with her and he thinks that Mitchie really is better off being somne else like an orphanange will she will not have a family. He  thinks that he is being hs really self and he cannot stand that Mitchie really seems to care about the way he acts and she really should just leave me alone because he never going to be friends with somone like mitchie and he just would stay friends with whoever he happpens to be friends with right and he doesn't want to change that. Mitchie ended leaving the dinning room right after she ate her breakfeast and she is really pissed right now at Shane and she really knows that Shane really does need to change his attitude and it just goinng to be hard for her to convience Shane that he needs to have a neve attitude.  She knows that the way that Shane has been acting is not the way that he should be acting becausee she figures that something that caused Shane to be a Jerk to everyone around him and she knows that only she will be found out why Shane is actingin the way he is if she make Shane to Change his attitude and then asked Shane abotu why He is acting like a Jerk. Mitchie knows that she could never been friends with someone liket the Jerk Shane abut she knows hat she could be friends with the real Shane and she is willing to bring out the real Shane and she knows that is going to take time for her to bring out the real Shane because of the way that Shane acts.  She doesn't how exactly she is going to be able to bring out the real Shane but she knows that she can do that and she knows that Nate, Jason, Sarah, and James misses the real Shane and she also wants to have another friends that she could be talk to about what happened to her parents but at first she needs to deal with the jerk Shane.

        Mitchie really does ended up in the hallway and she is hoping that she is not going to be running into her boyfriend, Kenny because she doesn't to be dealing with other jerk right now and she just to wants to go inot her room and wait for Dana and Caitlyn. She knows that she will needed to confront her boyfriend, Kenny about not visting her while she was in the hospital and she really wished that her boyfriend had care enought for her to visit her while she was in the hospital. Mitchie really doesn;t think that Kenny really dooes not care enought for her to visit her while shewas in the hositpal after her family had been killed in a car accident nad she just knows that Kenny is just going to be making same excise to why he did not visit but she just going to buy it. She lately been starting to thinking about she even started to date someone like Kenny any way and she starting realize that she was better off being by herself then dating someone that is like Kennny. She knows that Kenny is not going to like the fact that she happens to be paraylzed that she knows that Kenny is proabaly going to make same excrise to break up with her ansing d she thinks that maybe Kenny is just using her and she knows that Kenny will admit that was true at all. Mitchie starting thinking that not only is Kennny using her but he also may be cheating on her but she is not going to accuse of him cheatign on her unitl she can be able to found proof of Kenny cheating on her but she will need help from her friends to help her to get proof of Kenny cheating on her. She really thinks that she really needs to be dating someone that cares about her and she needs to be dating somone that she knows that could never actually cheat on her or every use for her andshe needs to have a boyfriend that she knows that love her for her. Mitchie ended up running into her jerk of a boyfriend, Kenny when she was jsut about to go into her room to wait for her friend, Caitlyn, and her soon to be friend, Dana and she knows that she and Kenny are going to get into a huge argument with each other. She knows that none of her and Kenny's conversation start off well and they don't end well and plus Kenny usually says something that would just piss Mitchie and Kenny never seems to apologizes for any of the mean things that Kenny says to Mitchie at all.  Mitchie and Kenny are outside of Mitchie's bedroom door and they get into an argument and the argument starts off with Kennny saying something very mean and horrible to Mitchie and Kenny doesn't care that he would make Mitchie mad and he loves makeing her made. They really agrue alot with each other and they never argee on anything and they don't get along with each other and they knows they are going to eventually are going to to be mad at each other to continue to yelling at each other. Kenny said, "You deserved to be in that wheelchair because you mostl likely had caused the deaths of the your family members."

Mitchie said, "I don't deserved to be in a wheelchair, I am in a wheelchair because I got paraylzed in the car accident that my family died in and plus you never came to the hositpal to visit me."

Kenny said "I don't feel like visiting in the hospital and plus I really started to realized that I probably should be dating a girl that is in a wheelchair."

Mitchie said, "If you are going to break up with me then fine you just ahead and break up with becaue than I will just go found someone else to date and somene will care about me."

Kenny said, "I am going to break you with you yet but I will mostly you if you keep confronting me about the most stupid things ever."

Mitchie said, "Confornting you about not visiting me in the hositpal, it is not stupid and I thought you would visited me in the hospital because I am your girlfriend."

Kenny said, "I never really visit anyone in the hopsital because i don't see the point  in visiting anyone int the hostipal and you just need to accept that."

Mitchie said, "I cannot because you really care about me you would came to the hostipal and you would be saying that I deserved to be in a wheelchair."

Kennny said, "You thinks about the stupidest to get into agrument with me and plus you really should think about being  a little niceer to me and not always get into stupid agruments with me."

Mitchie said, "You are the one that needs to be nicer to me and you are one that alwasy starts the agruments that we get into."

Kenny said, "You have have no clue what you are saying becaue I only I am hearing coming out of your monthis jsut a bunch of lies and you need to think about you are saying to me."

Mitchie said, "No, Actually you are the one that would needs to be careful what you say to me becaue I know that I am not the one that would cause agruements bewteen us and that would be you."

Kenny said, "No, I reallly don't need to be careful what I say to you becaue you need someone around to tell you when you are telling lies to people"

Mitchie said, "I am not telling lies to people and you really just say that because you just know that how much that makes me mad and what makes me very madder is that the fact that you don't visit me the in the hospital."

Kenny said, "I never step feet in the hosptial and I was never going to start to step in the feet in the hopsital and you don't need me to visit you while you were in the hospital."

Mitchie said, "That would have been a nice thing that you could done but no you care only about yourself and I really starteed to think that you probably never really cared about me."

Kenny said, "I do care about you but Icoud not visit you in the hopsital and plus you should understand that I care enough for you not to break up right after you get out of the hositpal."

Mitchie said, "You just really need to stop acting like you care about me because I know that you don't care about me and I don't think that you never carea and you will never care about me at all." Kenny finally just leaves Mitchie sitting her wheelchair in front of her door and he ended up going into Shane because he really came here to the Grays house to hang out with Shane and not get into an argument with Shane. He really think that Mitchie does deserves to be in a wheelchair and he really don't care that he is says hurtful things to Mitchie and plus he actually happens to be cheating on her with her ex best friend and Shane's girlfriend, Tess Tyler. Kenny knows that he is hurting both Mitchie and Shane at the same time but he really doesn't care and he knows that he happens to be only Shane's friend because Shane happens to be famous and also Rich but he will never tell Shane the real reason to why he happens to be Shane's Friend. He knows that he also happens to be using Mitchie but he is going to eventualy just dump her because he want to continue to use Mitchie for a little longer but he really seems to enjoyng using People but the only person that he really is not using would be Tess Tyler because he really does have feeling for her. Mitcchie finally just goes into her bedroom and she happens to be really pisses off at Kenny and she knows that Kenny is using and she knows that is going to continue to use her but she needs to get out of her relationship with Kennny. She really just hates it everything that Kenny would say someting really mean to her and she also knws that Kenny really cannot stand being her boyfriend and she needs to found a way to get out of her relationship with Kennny and she is going to need her friends help. Mitchie thinks that she needs to break up with Kenny before Kenny gets the chance to break up with her because she would be feel better if she would be the one that would break up with her but she is scared that Kenny is probably going to be the one that is going to break up with her. She just never get why Kenny was her boyfriend and she knows that Kenny happens to make the worse boyfriend ever and she really needs to be dating someone that she could just get along and not be dating a guy who seems to think it is okay be using her.

    Mitchie keeps on thinking about two arguments that she had with Shane and Kenny, she knows that both Shane and Kenny that were the ones to start the arguments because of both of them were being jerks to her and they hadd said mean things to her. She really hoping for the rest of the day that Shane and Kenny will just leave her alonge because she don't want to deal with either of them and  she doesn't like to deal with guys that would ended up being a jerk to her and she really hates getting into agruments with people. Mitchie ended up leaving her bedroom whens she hear someone ringing the boor bell and she ended up hoping that is going to be Caityln and Dana and  shes was hoping that no one else is going to get ito agrument with each.  She is not in the mood to get into another agrument with anyone because she really never could stand getting into agruements and she does answers the door and she had ended up letting in Caityln and Dana. Caityln and Dana came to over to Grays house so that they could hang out with Mitchie and they used to just came over to the Grays house to hang out with Nate and Jason and  that all ended up changing becuase of the fact that Mitchie was ended up moving in with the Grays. They enters the house and they noticed that it had been Mitchie that had answered the door and they could tell that something was brtohering her and they knows that a couple of people probably had started an agrument with her and ended up making Mitchie really mad. Caityln and Dana figured that one of the people that ended up getting starting an argument with Mitchie was Shane because they knew that Shane would getting inot random arguments with each other since the death of his twin sister, Shelley had died from cancer when she and Shane was thirteen years old.  They figured she ended up getting into an agrument with someone else different after her agrument with Shane and they probabably had figured that it was probably Shane's suppose best friend of Shane, Kennny and they both really don;t seem to be able to trust Kenny and they thinking that Kenny is using Shane and Kenny and Kenny is Mitchie's boyfriend and they figured that Kenny is mostly using Mitchie. Mitchie, Caityln, and Dana ended up going into Mitchie's bedroom, they ended up havging one of the nice converation and they don't get into an argument with each other, Dana ended up introducing herself to Mitchie, and Mitchie ended up introducing herself to Dana, and Mitchie and Dana ended up becoming friends and they both are hoping that will ended up becoming best friends. They are really hoping that Shane and Kenny are not going to brother them and they  wanted to have to be have a nice time with each other and Caityln and Dana figures that it is will be Mitchie that is going to ending up changing Shane back to his old self and they know that Mitchie is going to be only person that can tell Shane off and make him to realize that he does need an attiftude change and his attitude is bad. Mitchie said, "Hi, I'm Mitchie Torres, the best friend of Caityln, and also happens to be friends of Nate and Jason."

Dana said, "Hi, I'm Dana Turner, another one of best friends of Caityln, the girlfriend of Nate, i used to be best friends with Shane until he became a jerk, a  very good friend of Jason."

Caityln said, "Now since everyone had met each other and we could be able to be friends with each other and I think to be nice all three of us can be friends."

Mitchie said, "Yeah, I could be able to be use more friends and Caityln you are going to pay for not telling me about you and Jason dating."

Dana said, "Somoene in trouble for telling one of her best friends about not dating Jason Gray and Caityln, next you better not hide anything from one of your best friends."

Caityln said, "I don't tell you about me and Jasaon dating becase Jason told me that he don't wan the whole world to know about us and I figure that he don't want me to tell my best friend about us who happens to be a huge Connect 3 fan."

Mitchie said, "Well you are going to pay for not telling me but not today and at leaast I am going let it go for right now but someday that you are going to pay for not telling me aboout you and Jason and it had been Jason that ended up telling me about you and him."

Dana said, "I am glad that I am not in your postion, Caityln and I hope that it will teach you a lesson by hiding something that importnat from one for best friends."

Caityln said, "Ok that is fine but are you going to tell us what happened  to you earlier because you seem to be not happy and you seems to be really up set."

Mitchie said, "I got into an agrument with Shane over me living with his family, and  also about his attitude and ht thinks that noting is wrong with his attitude at all and after that agrument I ended up getting into an agrument with Kenny about who always the agruments and also about not visiting me in the hositpal, and he claimed that I was always started the agruments and plus he dont' feel like visting me in the hositpal."

Dana said, "That is good that you said something about Shane, no has and that sucks that kenny seems to think that you always start the agrument but it is not true and You may want to break up with Kenny."

Caityln said, "Hopefully the next time you get into an agrument with Shane, then probably you should say more about Shanes attitude and Dana is right you should break up with Kenny."

Mitchie said, "I am so planning on saying more about Shane's attitude unitl he realizes that he needs to have a better attitude towards people and I am hoping to break up with Kenny before Kenny breaks up with me."

Dana said, "I think that you would be happier if you would break up with Kenny because you don't need someone like Kenny in your life, and you deserves someone better then Kenny."

Caityln said, "Yeah, you really should be allowing Kenny to telling you mean things and you really needs to be someone that could care about you."

Mitchie said, "Yeah, I know that desreve better then Kenny and I starting to think that maybe that Kenny is probably going to break up with me before I am able to do."

Dana said, "We are going to make sure that you are you going to break up with him before he gets a chance to break up because he is mostly using you."

Caityln said, "We are going to come up with a plan that is going to prevent Kenny for breakin up with you first and plus I think it is obvious that Kenny is using you."

Mitchie said, "I think that he is using me and I also think that Kennny is also cheating on me with someoneting but  I am not sure how I am going to get proof that he is cheating on me."

Dana said, "We will came up with something to prove that Kenny is cheating on you and he seems to to be the type of guy that would cheat on people."

Caityln said, "I think that we could found a way to get prove that Kenny is cheating on you and he happens to be  jerk and he is not going to care about you and your feelings."

Mitchie said, "Yeah, I know that he is not going to care about me or my feelings and I do know that he happens to be a jerk and I really wants nothing to do witth him."

Dana said, "There is always a way that found out if a guy would cheat on you and somtimes you would need to get help from your friends."

Caityln said, "Kenny is not going to get away with cheating on you and he may think that he is going to get away with cheating on with you."

Mitchie said, "Yeah, I know that he is going to get away with cheating on me becuase I am am not going to let him get away with that and plus he is going get to waht he deserves."

Dana said, "Yeah he is going to get what he deserves and you someday are going to get what you deserve and what you deserves is a boyfriend who is not going to use you."

Caityln said, "I agree with Dana and you are so going to get a better boyfriend someday and no one deserves a boyfriend or girlfriend or friend that uses them."

Mitchie said, "I think that we are going need Nate, and Jason's help because there is no way that we are going to be able to came up with a idea to make Kenny pay by ourselves."

Dana said, "No, we cannot espically since we know that Nate and Jason happens to be protective of you and they don't use you get hurt and so I know that I don't see get hurt by people."

Caityln said, "You knew that I never liked seeing you get hurt by people and I really think that Kenny is a big Jerk and I believe that Kenny is the only real jerk out of him and Shane. Mitchie, Caityln, and Dana  had conintued to talk with each other and they are trying to come up with different ideas with how that they are going to be able to make Kennny pay for using Mitchie but they never agreed in how they are going to found proof Of Kenny cheating on her and also in how they are going to make Kenny for using Mitchie. They know that the next time that they are going to hang out wiht each other is going to be with Nate and Jason because then they are going to be able to decide in how they are going to get proof that Kenny is cheating on her and how that Kenny is going to be pay for using Mitchie and they know that Nate and Jason are don't even trust Kenny at all and they also know that they cannot stand them either. Mitchie, Caityln, and Dana finally had ended up ending their conversation and they all things that needed to do and plus Mitchie just needs to get some more rest and plus Caityn knows that her parent are expecting her to be home and plus Danna needs to get home behind her dad realizes that she happnes to be hanging out with their friends.  They ended up saying goodbye and they had agreed to hang out with in the next couple of days and they are hoping that Nate and Jason are going to be avaible to hang out becaue they alll know that they are busy with making their next ablum. Caityln and Dana ended up leaving Mitchie's bedroom and plus they also ended up leaving the Gray's house and they know that they are going be able to hang out with Mitchie again and they both are so glad that they happen to be friends iwht Mitchie and Dana is glad that she had got a chance to meet Mitchie.  They really think that it so nice that them and Mitchie happens to be very good friends with each other and plus they happens to not deal with agruing with each other over stupid things and they also think that they are going to be friends with each other for a long time. Caityln and Dana ended up going to their houses and they happen to next door neighbors and plus they happened to live two blocks away from the Grays and they happen to go to  the same high school as Nate, Shane, and Jason, and they know that high school is going to be Mitchie's new high school. They think is going to be so much fun that Mitchie happens to be going to the same high school as them but they wished that Tess and Kenny does goes to the same high school as them but they are going to protect Mitchie from both Tess and Kenny and they are going to defend Mitchie if Kenny or Tess would say something mean about Mitchie.  Mitchie ended going to sleep after Caitlyn and Dana are had lefted and she happens to be glad that both Caityln and Dana happens to be her firends and she is glad that she has friends that want to look after her and help her with anyting that she would need help with. She is glad that her Caityln, and Dana did not get into argument over anything espically stupid things and she glad that she was able to have a converstation with people that not an argument or turned into an agrument. Mitchie doesn't know when she is going to be able to write music again and she thinks that she may never get back to singing music again and she is excited about her new high school because her friends, Caityln and Dana will be there and so will her friend, Nate and Jason and she knows that she is going to have friends that are going to be defend her when she cannot against people like Tess and Kenny. She really doesn't like the fact that Shane also happens to go that same high school but she knows tha she can be able to live with that because she, Caityln, and Dana knows that Shane is not being who he really is, Mitchie thinks that Shane must be really nice person, and Caityln and Dana knows that Shane happens to be one of the nicest people that they know and plus that they all three knows that Jerk image does fit Shane at all.