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Shane Gray is the head singer of Connect Three, he used to write songs for the band until the recording company told him to stop writing songs because none of the songs that he has write will sell. He doesn’t even care at all because he no longer knows what to write about and plus he would be the bad boy of the media instead of spending his time writing songs for the band, he is the second oldest son of Sarah and James Gray. Shane misses his twin sister, Shelley a lot and he really wished that his twin sister was still alive; he knew that his twin sister would not approve of his attitude or even his choice of a girlfriend but he doesn’t care. He never talks about his twin sister, his best friend, Kenny doesn’t know about his twin sister’s death, or that he had a twin because Shane did not become best friend with Kenny six months after Shelley had died and he never told Tess about his twin because he don’t think that Kenny or Tess need to know about his twin sister, and he doesn’t let talking about his twin.  Shane feels so alone at time, he happens to be very depressed and it had started the day that he had lasted his twin sister to cancer and he finally just stopped showing people his emotions, and he just yelled at people.  He doesn’t want people that he is upset about the death of his twin sister and he would think a lot of his sister, he had started to write a song about his sister’s death but never had finished it yet. Shane would have a lot of nightmares about the day that his sister had passed away and it was also had been the last time that he never to be able to talk to his twin sister about things, he never tells people about his nightmares about his twin. He would wished that he could stop having nightmares about his twin sister and it happens to the only way that he would stop him from forgetting about his twin sister.

Nightmare Begins

                Shane was spending a lot of time with his twin sister, he had been watching his twin sister dieing from cancer and him and her are only thirteen years old, he feels it is too young for her to die. He knows that his twin sister is going to die and he knows that is going to be soon but he not aware that it is actually going to be sooner then he thinks that his twin sister is going to die. Shane and Shelley were in their bedroom, Shane was sitting on his bed and his sister was lying on her bed and the had ended up having a nice converstation with each other and they did not get into an argument with each other. They ended up talking about the fact that Shane is a nice a person and Shelley had make Shane Promise her that he will not change and that he will not be jerk to anyone. Shelley said, “I am glad to have you as my twin brother, you are the nicest person that I had known.”

Shane said, “Thanks and I am not planning on changing and I know that I am nice and it helps me to make friends with other people.”

Shelley said, “I hope that you will not change espicaly after I die and I want you to be the same person that you are now after I die.”

Shane said, “I am not going to change after you die because I like being a nice person and I want other people to see how nice that I can be.”

Shelley said, “I am happy that you don’t want to change and that shows that you wanted other people to see that you are nice and plus promised that you will not date anyone that can could change you into a jerk.”

Shane said, “I promise that will not a date a girl that would change into a jerk and I am planning on dating a girl that is nice and that will like me for me.”

Shelley said, “I think that it would be a be a good because you would still be a nice person and I want to be date a girl also that does not care that our family is rich because if the girl that would wanted to date you because our family is rich please don’t date her.”

Shane said, “I am planning on not dating a girl that would want to date me because our family is rich and me, Nate, and Jason are planning to form a band and only if you are were not dieing then you would get a chance to see us being famous.”

Shelley said, “I also knew that someday that you, Nate, and Jason would form a band and plus be careful with who you date when you guys became a famous.”

Shane said, “I am planning be careful with who I am going to date when me, Nate, and Jason becomes famous because there is no way I want to date a girl who wants to date me because I am famous.” Shane and Shelley had continued to their conversation that they were having and they were really enjoying each other’s company, and just spending time with each other. They had finally ended their conversation because Shelley ended up being tired after the conversation that her and Shane had with each other and once she went to sleep, she never wake up again, she had died. Shane tried to wake up Shelley when he noticed that she was not waking and at first he thought that Shelley was just sleeping, and then he realized that his sister was not sleeping but she was actually dead. He ran out of his room and he had needed up telling his family that Shelley had died and he goes back to his room, and he had needed up locking himself in his room, and would not to talk to each other.

Nightmare Ends

                Shane wakes up from his nightmare and he screams and he really misses his twin sister, he thinks that it is unfair that his twin sister had died and that he was still alive. He really thinks at times that everyone would be better off if he  would be dead because then they will not have deal with them being a jerk or deal with the fact that he depressed over the fact that his twin sister had dead when he wand her were only thirteen years old. Shane just would usually have a hard time to go back to sleep whenever he would have a nightmare of the night that he had last spoke to his and the night that his twin sister had passed away.  He  would tried to do everything to get himself back to sleep and he would ended up crying a lot and he never lets anyone to know how much that he misses his twin sister espically his brothers Nate and Jason and his parents, Sarah and James. Shane had ended up having his own his room after his sister had passed away and he had refused to share a room either of his brothers Nate and Jason, and he wanted his own privacy. He feels that he loved having rooms by himself because it would mean that he can be spend time by himself and doesn’t to spend time with his family whenever he would be mad at him or if he don’t to talk to anyone.

                Shane had been really mean to his parents since the day of his twin funeral and he had been mean to his brother, Nate and Jason after they became famous, and had ended letting fame get to his head.  He gets into a lot of arguments with his parents and also a lot of arguments with his brothers Nate and Jason and he really don’t care that he was being a jerk to his brothers and his parents and he thinks that they don’t understand what is like for him to be dealing his twin’s death.  Shane just could never get the chance to finish the song about his twin sister because he thought what was the point of him writing a song about how he feels about the death of his twin sister. He doesn’t know that his twin would  ever get along with his girlfriend, Tess Tyler and he is not aware that his girlfriend Tess happens to be only dating him because of the fact that his family has a lot of money, and that also because of the fact that him, Nate, and Jason happens to be famous.  Shane knows that he break his promise to his twin sister but he really doesn’t care because he seem think that he is making the choice of what he should be doing with his life and he should able promised his twin what he had promised that day. He  just think that  he should told his sister that he could make his decision about his life and there was on point for him to promise her that he was never going to change because he had changed and he is now a Jerk. Shane, Nate, Jason, Sarah, and James were having a breakfast together and it was the morning after Shane had one of his nightmares about the day that his family had lasted his twin sister, Shelley and they ended up into argument and they can tell that something is brothering Shane and they wanted to know what is going on with Shane. They had ended up getting into argument about what could be brothering Shane, Shane refused to tell his brother, and his parents what is brothering him. Nate said, “Please tell us, Shane is brothering you.”

Jason said, “You should be able to trust us and also you should be able to tell us about what is brothering you.’

Sarah said, “We are here and we are willing to listen to whatever you need to tell us and we could to know what is going on with you.”

James said, “You really should be able to trust and we are her for you and please us what is going on with you.”

Shane said, “I am not going to tell you guys what is brothering me because none of you guys will understand what is hard this whole thing is for me.”

Nate said, “We don’t know what is like for you because you are refusing to tell us and please do everyone a favor and tell us what is going on with you.”

Jason said, “You used to be able to tell us everything but now you feel like you were the only one who had last Shelley and you were not.”

Sarah said, “We all would like to know what is brothering your and you should not know by now that we are here for you and we want to help you.”

James said, “Shane, You really should tell us what is going and you really needs to stop hiding your emotions from us and need to know that we are here and we want to help you with whatever is brothering you.”

Shane said,  “I am not going to tell you guys what is going on with me because is none of your business and I am not in the mood talking about what is going on with me.”

Nate said, “Come on Shane, tell us what is going on with you and you cannot keep hiding whatever could be brothering you.”

Jason said, “Shane, you really need to talk about what because you cannot act like nothing happen when last night.”

Sarah said, “We all heard you screaming and you need to tell us what exactly why do you cream last night and we need to know what is going on with you.”

Shane said, “I am not going to tell you guys want going on with you, and it is something that I just want to talk about you, plus I cannot tell you guys going on with me because you guys will understand it is like for me to not have a twin sister anymore.”  Shane, Nate, Jason, Sarah, and James had continued to argued with each because Shane had keep on refusing to tell his brothers, and his parents what is going on with him. They finally ended their argument because Nate, Jason, Sarah, and James were not getting anywhere with Shane and the wished that Shane would tell them what is going on with him and they wished that Shane could see that he was not the only person that lasted Shelley. Sarah and James had lefted and ended up going off to work because they were don’t want to be late for work and they wished that Shane could tell them what happened to him last night and they cannot stand that Shane is hiding his emotions from them and Nate and Jason. They really want Shane to show his emotions because they don’t want to bottle up his emotions and they really think that Shane needs help with his depression before it gets worse. Nate and Jason lefted and went off to school and they were not going to watch for Shane because they are mad at him and plus they know that Shane could just drive himself to school because he has his own car. They really also are very worried about Shane and they wished that he could just tell them about what is going on with him and they wanted to know why Shane is acting the way that he is acting. Shane ended up leaving the Gray’s house and he also and ended going to school by himself and he was looking forward to see his girlfriend and his best friend because they would never ask him want is going on with him.  He just don’t  to tell anyone what is going on with him because he feels that it is not anyone business and he just wanted people to leave him alone and he really wanted to just asking how he is doing and he is mad at his family. Shane is not looking forward for to going to school because he thinks that he would have to see his brothers, and they would ask him how he was doing and he just wanted to his family to just leave him alone because he just want to talk to his family about what is going on with him at all. He just thinks that his family just wasting their time by asking him to tell them what is going on with him, he doesn’t want to tell people about what is going and he doesn’t care that he is hiding his emotions from people. Shane wished that he could just skip school because then at least him, and his brothers would not have to see each other. He know that if he does then his school would tell his parents and his parents would ground him if he did skip school.

                Shane seems think that Tess is dating him because she likes him for him and he thinks that she is not dating him because he is famous and that his family has a lot of money, he seems think that Tess doesn’t care about money. He seems think that Tess is the girl for him and he thinks that Tess and hi mare going to get married to together someday, and he does love her, he thinks that Tess is one of the coolest girls that he knows Shane really think that Kenny is so cool and he have no clue that Kenny at happens to have a girlfriend and that Kenny’s girlfriend will be moving in him and his family and that his parents happens to be godparents of Kenny’s girlfriend. He think that Kenny probably one of guys would probably does treat girls the right way and he thinks that Kenny would be lucky to have a girlfriend that would love Kenny. Shane would ended up hanging out with Tess and Kenny everyday at school because  he  would want to avoid his brothers when he was would be at school and he, Tess, and Kenny would love to be make fun anyone that would walk by them. He really enjoys it and sometime, him, Tess, and Kenny would be very horrible to his brothers but he doesn’t care because he just get along with is brothers and he thinks fine that he does get along with his brothers at all. Shane is not aware that Tess is cheating on him with his best friend, Kenny and he is not aware that he is going to get a broken heart when he founds out bout Tess and Kenny. He is not aware that he is going to lose Tess and he is also not aware that his best friend, Kenny is going to end his and Kenny’s friendship.  Shane, Tess, and Kenny ended up eating their lunch in the cafferia and they were just enjoying themselves and they were talking about other people behind people’s back. They ended up talking about how Shane’s parents and his brothers want to know what is going on him and he tells him tht he will not tell them. Shane said, “My parents and my brothers are wanting me to tell them what is going on with me but I refused to tell them because I think it is any of their business what is going on me”

Tess said, “Yeah, it is none of their business and they just be making you mad by trying to get to tell  then what is going on with you.”

Kenny said, “They should just leave you alone and just stay of your business and you have a right to not tell your family what is going on with you.”

Shane said, “Yeah, I just want them to leave Me alone and I want them to just leave me along and stop asking me what is going on with me.”

Tess said, “Yeah, hopefully they will leave you alone and stop asking you what is going on with you and they need to realize that you have your own life.”

Kenny said, “They probably should just realize that you just want to talk to them about what is going on with you and then probably will stop asking you what is going on with you.”

Shane  said, “yeah, but then knowing who is in my family they are going to not going to stop asking what is going on with me.”

Tess said, “yeah, espically your brothers, Nate and Jason, they seem to think that they have a right to know what is going on with you.”

Kenny said, “Yeah, your parents are as bad as your brothers, and your family need to realize that you have your own life.”

Shane said, “Yeah, my family really don’t care that I have my own life, and they think that they could control my life.”

Tess said, “Yeah, they probably don’t want you to be dating me and they probably don’t even approve Kenny as your friend.”

Kenny said, “Your family really seems thinks that they know what is right for you and they probably wants to make your life miserable.”

Shane said, “Yeah, they do want to make my life miserable and they really don’t care because they seem to know what I would be doing with my life.”

Tess said, “They just really seem think that you probably doing thing that will make your life miserable when it is them that is making your life miserable.”

Kenny said, “They probably think that you should be dating someone that is no Tess, and they probably want you to be friends with someone that is not me.”

Shane said, “Yeah, they think that it would be dating someone that they know that is not dating me because I am famous and my family has a lot of money.”

Tess said, “I really dating you because I like you for you and I don’t want to date you because you are famous and that you have a lot of money.”

Kenny said, “Your family doesn’t think that you are happy dating Tess and being friends with me because they may think that Tess and I are using you.” Shane, Tess, and Kenny continued with their conversation and they just really enjoying the conversation and they don’t care that they are saying mean things about Shane’s family at all and plus Shane had been agreeing with every that Tess and Kenny had been saying about his family. They had ended their conversation because they had realized that Lunch time is over and they all needed to go to their next class and they know that they all don’t  have the same class as each other after lunchtime. Tess and Kenny had lefted the cafferia at same time as each other and plus they had the same class as each other and they both are so excited about the class because they both like the teacher and plus the really enjoy the class, and once of they were in the hallway were near Shane, they thinking that no one was around, they ended up kissing each other and they had make out with each other. They think are not aware that Nate And Jason were in the halloway and that Nate and Jason had saw them them making out with each and they both really do know that they were  using Shane, Kenny is best friends with Shane because of Shane is famous and his family has a lot of money, Tess is dating Shane because Shane is famous and Shane’s family has a lot of money. Shane had ended up leaving the cafferia  five minutes after Tess and Kenny had lefted the cafferian aand he ended up going to his next class and the class that he does have after lunch would be choir and he loves it and he really think that the teacher is totally cool. He doesn’t go the same way as Kenny and Tess after lunch because the choir room is in the same hallway as Tess and Kenny’s class.