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            Mitchie Torres had lasted her twin brother, Tommy, and her little sister, Tina, and her parents, Connie and Steve Torres in a car accident two weeks ago, and she misses them alot and she cries everytime she thinks about them and what happened to them. She had gotten into argument with her parents and her twin brother that day and she had felt that no one wanted to see the littel concert for the high school that her and Tommy had went to. Mitchie Knew that the last words that she told her parents and her twin was not words and her last words to her little sister were also not nice. She let her anger out on her family and she know that she don't do the right thing and she know that her family did encourage her when it did come to her music,  and she gave up on her music after her parents, her twin brother, and her little sister had been killed in car accident. Mitchie happens to be in the hosptial, the only vistors that she gotten were Caitlyn Gellar, Lola Scott, Ella, Marageret "Peggy" Dupree,  and her Godparent, Sarah and James Gray, she wishes that her best friends, Sierra and  Tess Tyler and her boyfriend, Kenny would vist her in the hospital. She know those three also knows about the death of her familly and she could care less if her aunts, her uncle, and her grandparents would visit her in the hospital because she doesn't get along with them. Mitchie feels the death of her parents, her little sister, and her twin brother was her fault because she was not ever nice to thme before they died and she never told them that she loved them because she was mad at them. She feels that maybe if she was nicer to them then they would still be alive and then her twin brother would protect from anyone that wants to hurt her. Mitchie wishes that she could forget about the day that her family had been killed in a car accident and she thinks about that day constantly for the past two weeks. She about all of the things that she could have done differently that could be saved her family members' lives and  and she would still be at home with her family and she happens to be sleeping and she has nightmares about the day that her family had been klilled in the car accident and it was a saturday and they were headed to the movie theater.

Nightmare Begins

   Mitchie wanted to put  on a concert for the students that her and her twin brother's high school but she needed to get permission from her parents before she does it and she never singed in front on of more then four people. She wanted to do somthing different, she wanted to see if she could perform in the whole school, she was not sure that she could do but she wanted to see if she could be able to, she decided to ask her parents, and her twin brother about it. Mitchie, Connie, Steve, and Tommy ended up in the living room and they ended up in an agrument with each other. They got into an agrument with each other over if it would be a good idea for Mitchie to put on a little concert for the studtents at Mitchie and her twin brother, Tommy's high schoool and the day that she wanted to happens to be the same day as Tina's Talent Show. Mitchie said, "I was thinking about putting on a little concert for my and Tommy's School on December 3rd."

Connie said, "I don't think that would be a good idea because you have not performed front of that many people and you have a hard time performing in front of us and your friends and two that is the same day of your little Sister, Tina's school Chirtmas Talent Show."

Steve said, "Your Mom is right when you have more experience in singing in front of people then you could do that and plus our whole family will go to your sister's talent show."

Tommy said, " Mom and Dad are right, Mitchie you are not ready to perform in front of alot of people, we think that you are a good singer and we do think that you should share your music with whole world, but maybe you should slowly add to your audience and I don' t to see you get embrassed in front of the whole if you make a mistake when you sing."

Mitchie said, "I don't want to go to that stupid talent show, You guys cannot make me to do what I don't want to do and I feel that I am ready to perform in front of the school and I will not embrass myself."

Connie said, "You will have to go to your sister's school talent show and we are looking out for your best interst and we think that you should share your music with the world."

Steve said, "No one is going to stay home because we all go to your sister's school talent show, we enjoy listening to you singing ane there are other ways that you share your music with your music."

Tommy said, "You could up your music online for listen to and I don't think it would be wise for you to sing in front of all of the mean people in our school because if you messes up they will tease you about the whole thing."

Mitchie said, "You guys are supporting me and my music and if you guys were supporting me and my music then you will think that a little concert would be a good idea and I don't want to go that stupid talent show at Tina's school."

Connie said, "We all will go to your sister's school talent show because your sister is going to dance, and we don't think that putting on a little concert is a good idea because you are scared to sing in front of alot of people and your are not comfortable on the stage."

Steve said, "We are going to support your sister and it does include you, and we think that you should get comfort up on the stage before you put on conccerts for people."

Tommy said, "We love to listen to you sing but you should start smaller then what you are thinking about doing because it would help you to be more comtfortable on the stage."

Mitchie said, "I think that going to an elementary school talent show is stupid and I will not go and you guys are going to be the only ones will support Tina will do and you guys don't think that I am good  and will never support me when it comes to my music  and never wanted to listen to me sing." Connie, Steve, and Tommy ended leaving the house but let the door open to make sure that everyone is able to makes out of the door because the whole family will going to see a movie together. They don't to listen to anything else that Mitchie wanted to say and they could tell something else is brothering her espcially since she want to put on a small concert in front of her and Tommy's school but they are not sure. Tina ended up coming out of her room and she was ready to go to the movie,  and as she was leaving the house she suddenly had heard her big sister Mitchie saying somthing mean. She could tell that her sister was upset about somthing and she did not like that her sister was taking Mitchie's anger out on her for no good reason. Mitchie said, "I think that your school's talent show is going to be stupid and you are going to do some stupid dance and I don't want to go and I would whether do somthing else on the day of your talent show." Tina doesn't say anything, she get really upset  and she ended up running out of the house becuse she upset that Mitchie had tooken Mitchie's anger out on her . She wished that Mitchie would be nicer but she only seven years old and she can tell that something was really brothering her older sister but she just not sure what is brothering Mitchie.   

            Mitchie was upset because Ellen Anderson, most popular girl at her and Tommy's high school told Mitchie that day that she is one of the worst singers that Ellen has ever heard in her life, she had no talent, and also that Mitchie coud never be become famous, she wanted to prove Ellen that she is a good singer and that was the reason why she wanted to put on a small concert for her and Tommuy's school. She couldn't tell her parents, or her siblings about it  and she taking her anger out on them instead of taking her anger out on Ellen because it was easier to yell at her familyl instead at Ellen and she knew that her parents, and her brother were about her not being ready to put on a small concert for her, and Tommy's high shool. Mitchie goes out and joins her family , she never again talked to her family because she was mad at them and she don't want to get madder at them. She don't wanted to took her out on them and she just feel that it was better for her not to talk to her family and she don't expect that it would be be her last time to see them alive. When the Torres were about to enter the parking lot of the Movie Theater, a drunk driver runs into them killing her parents, her little sister, and her twin brother, and she goes unicouness. She wakes up in the hosptial paraylzed and she seems to think that her parents, her little sister, her brother were alive but the doctors tells her that her parents, her little sister, and her twin brother are died. Nightmare Ends

        Mitchie wakes up screaming and she never likes having nightmares that her family been killed, she thinks that maybe of if she never said what she said to her family then they would still be alive. She also thinks that maybe if she don't stay mad at her family then they would never got into a car accident, they would still be alive, she would not be paraylzed and she would not need a wheelchair to get around. Doctor John Henderson comes into Mitchie's hospital room to make sure that Mitchie is doing okay because he had heard Mitchie screaming while he was doing his paper work. He was doing paperwork to get a wheelchair for Mitchie and he needed to keep Mitchie in the hopstial before he relases her to her godparents, Sarah and James Gray, and once he is sure that Mitchie is fine, he goes back to his office and finishes up the Paper work. Mitchie ended up going back to sleep and she ends up not having another nightmare of the day that her family been killed in a car accident caused by a drunk driver. She was able to sleep for the rest of the night and she ended up dreaming of her being able to walk again even through she will probably never walk for the rest of her life.   

               Mitchie ended up having a surprised vistors the next day and it was someone that she never thought was going to visit her since the day that her family had been killed by a drunk driver. She is not actually sure that her best friend, Sierra would visit her int the hosptial because Sierra had been avoding her since she ended up in the hosptial and plus she has a feeling that something bad is going to happen to her. Mitchie is not sure what was going on with Sierra the past couple of weeks  and she is scared that she is going to lose one of her best friends and she have a feeling that Sierra may be popular now and probably wants nothing to do with her. She thinks that Sierra may not be friends with her anymore because she is an orphan, she is only one  in her family expect for her aunts, her uncles, and her grandparents are still alive and that Mitchie will never walk again. Mitchie never thought that Sierra could be the one of those girls who would became popular and dumps one of her friends because the friend would not be popular. She always thought that Sierra would be there for her and could tell her what happen at her family' funeral because she don't go to her family' funeral because she was still unicouiness the day of her family's funeral, she is in the an L.A. hopstial and her family had lived in L.A. but not the good part of L.A. Mitchie and Sierra were in Mitchie's hopsital room and they ended up getting an huge agrument with each other and plus Sierra said very horrible things to Mitchie. They had got into an argument over the fact that Mitchie has no one because her parents, her sister, her brother are died, her aunts, her uncles. and her grandparents don't want her . Sierra said, "I cannot be friends with anyone that does not have anyone because I only wants to be friends with popular people because they have a family and you don't have a family."

Mitchie said, "I still have people in my life because I still have a friends, and I am getting a family but I am not sure who my parents given guardenship over me to."

Sierra said, "Whoever got guardenship over you will never be your family and plus they will not like you because you cannot walk anymore."

Mitchie said, "You don't know that and You don't know what I am going through and you don't how hard this situation is on me. You Never asked once how I had been while I have been here in the hosptial because you felt that you would whether hang out with popular people."

Sierra said, "I am glad that I am hanging out with the Popular people and I don't want to be associated with an orphan or anyone that cannot walk and I want to move on with my life and none of my friend don't caused the death of their family like you have done."
Mitchie said, "I think that you are starting to show your true colors and now I start to wonder why me and you were freinds because now you are being mean and you also love to hang out with the poplular people."

Sierra said, "I think that you are jealous of the fact that I am popular, I can get any boy I want, and also I can walk, and all of my family members are not dead unlike your family members."

Mitchie said, "You are going to be the one that is going to be miserable, you are going to be the one making a horrible girlfriend, and plus you ended up getting a divroce from your first husband, and you are going to mostly are going to mkae my life miserable, and I think that it would be for best if you leave." Sierra walks out of Mitchie's Hosptial Room but she doesn't think she will make a horrible girlfriend, and if anyone would make a horrible girlfriend that would be Mitchie. She is glad that she is no longer one of Mitchie's best friends and she is going to make Mitchie's life miserable and she is hoping that she had make Mitchie Cry but again she may just pissed Mitchie off. Mitchie was so upset but it was not to the point that she wanted to cry and it been the point that she was pissed off at Sierra  and the Whole Situation. She had been hurt by the fact that Sierra had ended their frienship, she cannot stand the fact that Sierra would whether hang out with the Popular instead of her. Mitchie feared that for the passed two weeks that Sierra ending her and Sierra's frienship and it had happened and she is now scared that she is scared of the possibitly of her losing another friend. She thinks everything will start to change for her and she think that the next friend that she is going to lose is going to be her best friend, Tess Tyler."   

            Mitchie upset about what happened bewteen her and her ex best friend, Sierra and she wished that Sierra never ended their friendship because she Sierra as her friend. She cannot stand the fact that he had lasted her best friend, Sierra to the popular people and she wished that Sierra choose her over the popular people. Mitchie finally gets visitors that she was expecting and she noticed that they were two members of  her favorite band, Connct 3 with her godparents. She had no clue that they were sons of her godparent, Sarah and James Gray but she thinks that is cool that two of the members of Connect 3 would be visiting her in the Hosptial. Mitchiel thinks it is interesting that Nate Gray and Jason Gray took time out of their business schedule to come to see her in the hospital and she thinks so cool that she is getting a chance to meet at least two members of Connect 3. She can tell that Nate and Jason are nice and she can tell that they are going to good friends of her, she never thought she would meet Connct 3 while she was in the hopstial. Sarah and James can tell that something is brothering Mitchie and the figured that it had somthing to do with the person that they had saw leaving Sierra leaving the Hosptial and they are planning to ask her about it. They ended up introducing their sons, Nate and Jason to Mitchie , and they were thinking that Nate, Jason, and Shane are going to be great friends with each other. Mitchie, Sarah, James, Nate, and Jason ended up having a nice converation with each other and just like what Sarah and James predicted happened bewteen Mitchie, Nate, and Jason had happened. They had ended up talking about what is brother Mitchie and aslo talked about that Mitchie is going to be living with them after she get released from the hosptial. Sarah said, "Hi, those my and Jame's Son, Nate and Jason and boys this is Mitchie Torres."

James said,  "Her family had been killed in a car accident two weeks and please be nice to her."

Nate said, "Nice to meet you, Mitchie."

Jason said, "It is so nice to meet you, Mitchie,"

Mitchie said, "Nice to meet you, Nate, and Jason. Aren't you guys two of the members of the famous band calleed Connect 3? Sarah and James, I don't know that you guys had kids."

Sarah said, "Yeah they from the band called Connect 3 and they formed it with our other, Shane Gray who is not here right now and we have three sons and we used to have a daughter."

James said, "They are two of our children, I am suprised that your parents don't tell you about me and Sarah having children episcally since that Shane happens to be your age, Nate is a year younger then you, and Jason happens  to be one year older then you."

Nate said, "Yeah we are from Connect 3 and right now we recording songs for our next ablum and plus we just wanted to came with our parent to visit you."

Jason said, "I am suprised that your parents never told you that me and  my brothers are the sons of your godparents and we knew about you, your little sister, and your twin brother."

Mitchie said, "Now I am the only member of my family that is still alive because my litte sister, my twin brother, and my parents are died."

Sarah said, "What is the matter?"

James said, "Please tell us what is going on with you and we feel that it has something to do with the person that we saw leaving the hosptial."

Nate said, "It would be nice if  you would tell us what is brothering you."

Jason said, "We Promise that we are not going to judge you if you tell us what is brothering you."

Mitchie said, "The person that you saw leaving the hosptial was my ex-best friend, Sierra, she came here to tell me that she cannot be my friend anymore because she would whether hang out with the popular people instead a person that is an orphan and a person that is paraylzed. She was mean to me and she told me mean things and I think that Iam going lose more friends."

Sarah said, "This just proof that Sierra was not a true friend to you and nothing that Sierra told you is true."

James said, "If you do lose more friends because it will be their choice and it would mean they never been a true friend to you but there is a chance that you may not lose any more friends.":

Nate said, "She sounds like a person that would prefer being popular instead of hanging out with someone like you.I know that if I would choose bewteen being popular or hanigng out with you, I would choose hanging out with you."

Jason said, "She sonnds like a bitch and she doesnt't care about hurting you because she was planning on hurting on you and she want to hurt you."

Mitchie said, "Yeah that so true and she used to be a very nice person but I am starting to think maybe she was faking the whole time."

Sarah said, "She may been faking it and that proves farther that she never been a good friend to you."

James said, "You may be right about but at least you are able to see Sierra's true colors even it had ended up hurting you."

Nate said, "You really don't someone like that in your life and you deserve to have friends who will be there for you and help you through the hard time that you are going through."

Jason said, "You don't deserve anything that Sierra had told you and I think she told you those mean things because she was trying to get upset and also pissed off."

Mitchie said, "Yeah, but somtimes I feel that I deserve to be told those things becaue I don't deserve to have friends, I guess that i am destined to not have friends and probably never had any real friends and probably Sierra had done the right thing by ending my and her friendship. Where  I am going to live after I get released from the hosptial?"

Sarah said, "You are going to move in with us and we are going to to setting up your room the way you want to be set up and you will be to choose what color your walls to be."

James said, "You can decided how your room will decorated and plus we are put the first letter of each person's first name over that person's door so that people can know who room that they are entering. "

Nate said, "I am exicited about you living in the same house as us because it is going to be like that i have a sister again."

Jason said, "Sometime you are going to meet our brother, Shane but we warn you that he is a jerk and plus his girlfriends is no better and none of use cannot stand her."

Mitchie said, "Ok, that is nice and I missed my parents, my sister, and my brother's funeral and I have no clue where my family had been buried."

Sarah said, "Yeah it is nice and we wished that you could gone but you are in the hopstial and after you get out of the hosptial, we will take you to the cemtry that your family had been buried."

James said, "We are here if you need anything and all you need to do to ask us, we are now your family and we are not going to leave you."

Nate said, "You are going to get a chance to see where your family had been buried and plus you will be movinving away from  L.A. and you are moving to the nice side of L.A."

Jason said, "We live in a place that is near where all of the famous people live in L.A. and you will be going to a nicer high school and it will be the high school that Me, Nate, and Shane goes to."

Mitchie said, "Ok, I will guess that I will be going to a different high school then same of my friends, and that Iwill be going to a high school that Famous people and I am not going to know most of the people that would go to the high school." Mitchie, Sarah, James, Nate, and Jason had continued with their conversation and they were having a nice conversation but Mitchie will not talk about what happened to her family because she feels the whole situation was her fault and she don't think anyone can convience her that the deaths of her family was not her fault. They all were getting along and Mitchie to think as Sarah and James as parent figures in her life and she starts to think that Nate and Jason as brothers, and plus Nate and Jason became her best friends. Sarah and James lefted because they both needed to get back to work and they figured that Mitchie needs to get some rest because they can tell that Mitchie was tired and that she needed to sleep. They wished that Mitchie sees that she done nothing to cause Sierra to end her and Sierra's friendship and they know the deaths of her family was not her fault.  Nate and Jason also lefted the hopstial because they had things to do and they ended going to their recording company and they need to meet up with Shane so that they can get more of their songs recorded. They know that only people that she is going to know at her new school are going to be her friends, Caityln Gellar, Lola Scott, Marageret "Peggy" Dupree, Ella, them and Shane if she gets a chance to meet Shane before she startes at her new high school. Mitchie ended up going to sleep after Sarah, James, Nate, and Jason had lefted her hosptial room because she needed to get sleep and she was tired and she keep thinking about Sierra ending her and Sierra's frienship that day and how much it hurt her. She thinks that the deaths of her family was her fault, she should be nicer to her familly, she will never see her sister dance again, she will never spend time with her family, will never go to movies with her famiy again, she will never be able to do things with her parents again, she will never be able to tell her twin brother about the boys that she will and her twin brother will never protect her from gettting hurt by people.