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I don't own the Angel Character and they also happen tobe owned by Joss Whedon and plus those fanfictions going to be about my favorite couple Wesley Wyndem Pyrce and Winfired "Fred" Burkle.  Those stories are going to be taking place in different seasons of  Angel and those stories are going to be love stories bewteen them. I am going to have all of the characters that i like from the t.v Show Angel in it and I ma goingot have conner in those stories. Some of my stores about Wesely and Fred are going tobe Alternate Uinverse because some stories will taking place after the show ended but neither of them ended up dieing in the stories. I am probably going ot be having Harmony in some of those stories but that when the stories wwould happen to be taking place in season five but and the stories will take place in season three becaue that happens to be the first season of which Fred had been on the show. I really like both Wesely and Fred and they happen to be two fo my favorite characters from the show and they happen to make the cutest couple fron the show. I really wished that they don't kill off  and It would be nicde to see their relationshiop grow and I wished that Fred die just as Fred and Wesley were getting together.  None of my stories are going t obe about neither of them dieing and how the other one will dealing with that because I would whether be wrting stories abou they being happy together. I so going to have Gunn in the stories but he never going to be dating Fred in my stories and I am going to have creating a character in who Fred will start to dated in soame of the fanfictions becuase of the kind of the story that I am going to have for her. I like Gunn but I never going to have him being abusive so that it is why  I am going to be creating characters that will absives toward Fred but I am going to have wesley to help Fred to get way from the absive characters and I am going to have them characters for hurting her. I am so going to have Angel in those fantictions but he will never have feelings for Cordelian and he just going to have no because Buffy is not going to be those stories at all. I feel that I just want to have Angel to be single and plus those fanfictions are going to be focused on Fred and Wesley's relationship and plus all of their friends in it and I am not going to have Doyle in those fanfictions because he had been killed before Fred before Fred had joined the Angel Investigations. I am going to have Lorne in those stories because I love his charactrer and he happens to one of the coolest characters that I ever seen in my life.  I am probably going to have some of the people that works in Wolfram and Hart in those stories and of course they are going tobe evil and they are going to try to destory Angel and his friend and none of them are ever going to be good.

 Fred and Wesley

Wesely and His Girl

Fred and her Guy

Life in L.A.

True Love Forever