The Characters from Buffy The Vampire Slayer are not owned by me and they are owned by Joss Whedon, the creator of the show and those are going to be fanfictions about my favorite Buffy and Angel from Buffy The Vamprie Slayer, Which of the stories arre going to be taking place during Buffy The Vampire Slayers and some also will ended up taking place after the Show had ended. I am probably going to be adding some of my own characters and the stories are rewrite my own versions of what happned during the seasons of Buffy. Some of the stories are going to be make up nothing really is going to be same as the tv show but the storyline ideas from the show will be in the fanfictions but all going to be in my own words of I wanted to use. I am using sameof the characters that I like from the Show and they happen to be Spike and Riley Finn becaue I never felt that Buffy never meant to be to either of them but I always thought that Buffy and Angel are meant to be because of the fact that Angel had called Buffy his girl. Buffy and Angel would do anything for each other but I probably only Angelus appear in flashbacks in my stories but those only appearances of Angelus. I am going to be haveing Xander, Dawn, and Williow, and also Giles in the stories the I am only going to have the slayers in the season seven fanfictions and the fanfictions that would take place after the episode of Choosen because they happened to be only in season seven of Buffy The Vampire Slayer but they don't appear towards the end of hte season Seven but I never really like Faith either and I am going to have faith in same of the fanfictions and some of them I am probably going to have bad and sometimes she is going to be good in the story but she willl not be friends with Buffy but Buffy and her will only working togehter to be the leaders of the slayers but I will have getting into agruments with each other in the stories. Some of my stories will start off where Buffy and Angel think they need to move but they will come to the realization that they would never able to move on becaue they are also going to be in love with each other. One of the stories is going to be Alterntative Universe becaue I am goingto be puttin the characters from Buffy The Vampire Slayer back in the time when Angel was started as a human but then in that story is going to talking about him being turned and I am not sure which of the buffy characters are going to be vampires but only I know that it is going to Angel will become a Vamprie at the beginning ofhgte story and he is going to start as a Player but he will ended up meeting Buffy as he is a vampire and he is going to have a soul and I think that I am started off him dating Darla but in the end he is going ended up with Buffy. I think that at the beginning that Buffy is going to be dating Riley Finn the one were I am putting they character back in the time where he was alive and when he had been turned into a Vampire by Darla. Cordelia may ended up some of my Buffy Fanfictions because I do like her and plus I think that she is a cool character and plus Wesley would be in it but no other Angel will be because of the fact that they never meet Buffy and those fanfictions are happen to be about Buffy and Angel during the Buffy the Vampire Slayer seasons and also those stories will only takeing place after the Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Another reason in Whoy Wesely and Cordelia will appear in those fanfictions becausethey both knows boht Buffy and Angel and both of them happen to be on the show.
Buffy and Angel
Angel's Girl Forever
Buffy's Vampire Forever
Broken Road to True Love
Life back in 1700s
Life In Sunnydale
Bangel Forever
Bangel = True Love