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Those are going to fanfictions about my favorite couple from the Twilight Movies and  don't own the characters because the Characters are owne by Summit Enternment and Stephanie Meyer. I  do own the plot s of the stories and the only characters that  I will own are the ones that I would make me. I am going to fanficitions about my favorite couple Bella and Edward and in some of ther fanficitons and am going put their daughter in it.. I am also going to have fanfictions about my favorite couples, Carlisle and Esme, Alice and Japsper and aobut Rosalie and Emmett.

Bella and Edward

Bella and her Vampire

Edward and His Girl

Founding True Love

Life back in the 19th Century

Beward Forever

Beward =  True Love

A Rough Life

A Broken Path of True Love

Carlisle and Esme

Carlise and His Vampire Wife

Esme and Her Vampire Husband

A Forever Love

Life back in the 1800s

Carlisle and Esme Forever

Carlisle and Esme= True Love

The Broken Way of True Love

The Tough Path of True Love

Rosalie and Emmett

Emmett and His Female Vampire

Rosalie and Her Male Vampire

Rosalie and Emmett Forever

Lucky with Founding True Love

Rosalie and Emmett= True Love

The Broken Road of True Love

The Rough Road of True Love

Alice and Jasper
Alice and Her Male Vampire

Jasper and His Female Vampire

Love Bewteen Two Vampires

True Love Never Disapppers

Alice and Jasper Forever

Alice and Japser = True Lover

True Love Never Fades

True Love Always