I don't own the character of the tv shows Instant Star, the t.v show, Instant Star, the characters of the tv show called Make it or Break It and also the tv show Make It or Break It. The creators of the Instant Star owns the characters of Instant Star and the tv show, the creators of Make It or Break it and abc family own the characters of Make It or Break it and the tv show Make It or Break It. None of the fanfictions are going to be taking place durinkng either tv shows and those characters of shows are going to know each in different ways and will be explained in the fanficitons. Two of my fanfictions are going to be where Tommy happens to the brother of Emily and Brian Kmetko and the ex boyfriend of Summer, and Jude and Sadie are going be best friends of Emily, Kaylie, and Payson, and the ex best friends of Lauren. Two of the fanficitons are going to be where Jude Harrison and Sadie Harrsion are going to be the sisters of Payson and Becca Keeler and plus Jude is the ex girlfriend of Leo and plus Tommy is best friends with Leo, Nicky, and Austin and tthe ex boyfriend of Kaylie. Two of the Fanficitons is where Tommy is the brother of Kaylie and Leo Cruz and he is the ex boyfriend of Emily and then Jude and Sadie are best friends with Kaylie and Payson, and they cannot stand Lauen. Two of the fanfictions is where Jude and Sadie are cousins of Lauren and they don't get along with her, and Tommy happens to be the ex boyfriend of Lauren and he happpens to be best friends with Leo, Nicky, and Austin.
Instant Star / Make It or Break
Instant Star Meets Make It or Break It
The Rock Star, The Producer, and Gymasts
Time For True Love
True Love Always
Life in the Spot Light
Life Adventures
Jommy/ Kaylie and Austin Forever
Jommy/ Kaylie and Austin = True Love